My Career Goals

Dress: Rent The Runway // Jacket: Rent The Runway // Heels: Steve Madden // Purse: Kate Spade

Happy Monday! It is so intimidating planning ahead in life and for me has been something I have kind of avoided. I am one of those people that don’t like to make decision without thinking EVERYTHING through because I never ever want to limit myself. Especially when it comes to my career because I see myself doing a million and one things. I honestly find this to be one of my biggest weaknesses.

Even though planning ahead is hard for me, I have goals or things I would love to be able to say I did one day. Obviously things change and you can’t always anticipate life events. I hope that no matter what direction God takes me, these goals are something I am able to achieve one day.

  1. Being A CEO. Yup you heard me right! I want to be the CEO of a company. Not sure what company whether that’s through starting my own company or climbing the ladder to the top. Every time I look to the future I always see myself just being there. I absolutely love to lead people in a professional environment and find myself taking charge when no one else will. Naturally I have a ton to growth personally and professionally before I can reach this goal but having this constantly on my mind helps me focus key areas.
  2. Being The New. You might ask what does this mean. To me it means that I am always looking for the next best thing to build my career on. As someone who works in technology, this area is constantly changing. I am always having to adapt or learn something new every single day. I always want to be the new instead of one step behind. It can be super challenging on knowing what’s to come but I read a ton about what technology companies are bringing into their businesses to help make themselves be more efficient.
  3. Being A Mentor. I have had the opportunity to be mentored by some incredible people who have built their careers up from nothing. One day I would love to give that back to someone. I currently don’t have the experience or the knowledge to be a mentor to someone but I do love to give advice. Being a women in technology, there is such a stigma that you face and I would love to help other women overcome those challenges.
  4. Own My Own Company. A girl can dream right?? This kind of goes along with being a CEO but to me it’s different. To be a CEO means your a leader to many but when you own your own company you are everything. You’re not just the one that makes the decision but you’re also the one that does everything. You’re so much more invested in all the small things when you own your own business. I would love to look back one day and say that I did this. Don’t ask me what kind of company because I have no idea. Maybe a tech company, consulting firm, or maybe I just take this blog on full time… who knows!
  5. Speaking at a conference. This goal is a big one because I have a HUGE fear of public speaking! So why on earth would I want to speak at a conference? Speaking to mass groups of people scares the heck out of me so standing up and talking about something I was passionate about would signify that I have overcome that fear. I understand that having a fear of public speaking is a limitation to my career. To overcome that I try really hard to put myself out there whenever I can. For example I ran for presidency of my sorority and every Sunday I would have to stand up in front of about 200 people and speak.

I hope y’all found this post interesting! It is something I was really nervous writing about because to be honest I had never put my goals down on paper. A couple years down the road it will be really interesting to look back and see if I completed any of these or if they are even a goal for me anymore!

I would love to hear if you have any career goals set. Please feel free to leave a comment below🙂 Have a great week!


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