Since corona-virus has caused everyone to work from home, I have gotten a lot of questions about what my schedule looks like. Honestly, it looks a lot different than when I normally just work from home every Friday. At the beginning of all this, I was complaining to Jeremy (my fiance) about how I couldn’t stick to my normal work from home schedule. His response, “Who cares if you wake up at 8 am and go upstairs 30 minutes later. You aren’t in any rush to get anywhere or see anyone.” For some reason those words really changed my perception on what my working from home schedule should be during this “stay home” time.
Normally, I am a busy bee and completely thrive off of going here, there and everywhere all at the same time. Staying at home has really taught me a lot about how I work and adapting to change. I wanted so badly to keep my normal schedule and got very frustrated with myself when I couldn’t keep to it. But what I realized during this time of being at home day after day, it is okay to sleep in, it is okay to go to bed later, it is okay to spend a couple hours doing nothing, it is okay to slow everything down.

Outfit: Dress: Red Dress // Earrings: Kendra Scott // Glasses: Diff Blue Light
Office Decor: Desk: Pottery Barn // Rug: Wayfair // Shelves: Ikea // Chair: Home Depot // Pillow: DIY (Similar HERE) // Monitor: HP Monitor
For the first week of being constantly in the house, I found myself feeling lazy and put down about not being able to stick to my normal busy schedule. So on Sunday I made a decision to make a new schedule. A more slower work from home schedule that would allow me to focus a little more time on each small thing I am working on.
Instead of starting my day at 4 am, working out, showering, making breakfast, making lunch, changing, doing make up, blow drying my hair and to make it out the door between 7:30-8:15 am. My morning looks like this.
7:00 am: First alarm goes off. Hit snooze.
7:30 am: Second alarm goes off. Get up put slippers on, head to the kitchen to make celery juice. Grab my iPad and head back to bed. Turn my iPad on and watch the news to make sure I am up to date on all things corona-virus.
8:00 am: Get out of bed, head to the kitchen to put my cup in the dishwasher and make a cup of coffee. Head into my bathroom to start doing my morning facial routine, put on lotion, fix my hair (either blow dry or throw in a bun), add some make up (optional) and look in my closet to pick out something comfy to wear all day.
8:15 am: Head to the kitchen to make breakfast (oatmeal, almond butter on toast with banana, avocado on toast with an egg) and grab another cup of coffee. Sit down at my dining room table to crack open my laptop and sign on for the day.
8:30 am – 12:00 pm: Start working through emails, look through action items, and prepping for meetings. Have said meetings, work through more emails, have discussion with team members and set up any meetings.
12:30 pm: Head downstairs to look in the pantry for a snack/lunch (really depends on if I am hungry or not). If it is nice outside, I grab my laptop and sit on the patio while I eat (smoothie, soup, granola bar, crackers, carrots, etc).
1:00 – 5:00 pm: Head back upstairs for more meetings, completing action items, looking ahead at the week, taking notes and organizing my inbox.
5:00 – 6:00 pm: Depending on how much I got done in the day and if there are early morning meetings, I wrap up work and head downstairs.
Instead of racing off to get errands done, head to dinner meetings, grabbing drinks with friends, all while trying to fit everything in before my strict 10pm bed time, my evening looks like this.
6:00 – 7:00 pm: Do some physical activity such as walking/running outside, and/or Sculpt Society online class.
7:00 – 12:00 pm: During this time, things really vary for me depending on what I feel like doing. Last week I worked on the house so most of my time was spent painting cabinets. This week I wanted to take some time for myself so I plan on doing face masks, taking baths, watching TV, cooking something new, drinking wine, FaceTiming friends, brain storming blog ideas. Head to bed with my iPad (don’t have a TV in my room) and lay down watching my current show!
I hope this is helpful for each of you looking to try to figure out a work from home schedule. I truly believe that during this time it is okay to slow things down. But I also want to reiterate that you shouldn’t lose sight of what your hopes/goals are for the year. You can still achieve a lot but it just might look different now.
Totally with you on this! When things were “normal”, I always felt I was rushing somewhere and forever squeezing things in. Things are DEFINITELY slower around here!
Dana | The Champagne Edit
Absolutely! I think that it’s okay to slow your schedule down and readjust your timing for your routines to fit that!
It is SO crazy to me that you used to work out at 4AM every day. Men don’t know how easy they have it when it comes to getting ready and put together for work. I’m glad you found your new normal and that you’re finding ways to be productive and enjoy your time!