Happy #weddingwednesday! I haven’t shared much on my wedding since covid happened but some of you had reached out with various questions so I thought I would pick it back up again:) If you didn’t see on Instagram, we have decided to postpone our wedding from May 16th, 2020 to January 16th, 2021. While my new wedding date is far away, I wanted to continue putting things together so I could be really prepared come January.
First thing I couldn’t wait to put together are these bridesmaid survival kits! I got to talking with a couple friends who had already been in weddings and we were discussing things that they wish they had or found useful on the wedding day as a bridesmaid. After hearing their feedback, I decided to put together kits that the girls would find useful during the weekend but also something they could take with them after. Since most of the girls are going to have to travel into town for the weekend, I wanted to make everything travel size. Which would be perfect to fit inside these clear pouches!

To hold all the items, I found these beautiful monogram clear pouches from Barrington Gifts! I have a Barrington Gifts clear pouch and I use it to organize my totes with all the little random things that one carries in their purse. I find the pouch to be so useful for simply carrying in my tote for day to day errands but also love to use it when traveling. Since I wanted something that my bridesmaids would get use out of after the wedding, I thought these monogram clear pouches would also make the perfect gift:) I love that you can customize the print and color of the monogram to fit the theme of the wedding. I had actually ordered these back in February before covid so at the time I thought I was having a spring wedding and this print would be perfect! Even though I am not having a spring wedding anymore this print is going to go really well with my new wedding theme in January (more to come on this topic)!

To help you put together your own bridesmaid survival kits, the items I included are listed below. It was actually really easy to put everything together. I took a list of things I wanted to include to Target and went through all their travel section to pick everything out. You don’t need to go overboard with items at all as I only include 8 helpful items!
- Make Up Wipes: At the end of a long fun night, taking off your make up is the last thing you want to do. I included these make up wipes so my bridesmaids didn’t have to worry. They could use these at the end of the night and then head straight to bed.
- Bobby Pins: You never know when you will need extra bobby pins so I purchased a whole pack of them and then cut them up into small amounts to put into each of the kits.
- Teleties Hair Ties: I have a couple of these Teleties and love them! They don’t crease your hair or pull while your hair is up. I thought they would be perfect for those that want to put their hair up while dancing! The color I picked were “Coconut White”.
- Advil: Got to make sure everyone is prepared for the morning after the wedding haha!
- Hand Sanitizer: I had included this on my list prior to covid but now with covid I find it very appropriate. I wanted to make sure the girls all had some on hand for the weekend and while traveling.
- EOS Lip Balm: It’s never a bad idea to have some lip balm ready to keep lips hydrated. For me when I travel, apply lipstick a lot, and stay up late my lips get really chapped so I figured we better have some lip balm for everyone.
- Tic Tac’s: With all the talking that goes on at weddings, I wanted my bridesmaids to have some minty fresh Tic Tac’s at their disposal. Personally I think they are better to have a weddings than gum because you don’t have to worry about forgetting to take it out for pictures!
- Dove Deodorant: There is a lot going on during the wedding weekend so I wanted to make sure the girls each had a small thing of deodorant ready. Plus it’s that one thing that is so easy to forget when packing too haha. I have forgotten to pack deodorant before and it’s such a hassle to try and go pick some more up.
Hopefully you find this helpful if you are planning to put together bridesmaid survival kits! Let me know if you have any questions:)

This was a great idea. I will be using this for my upcoming wedding in October. Thanks for sharing this.