Working from home really made me reevaluate my home office and how I organized it. Before I left it had a little too much clutter around where I worked leading to feeling stressed. Prior to working from home, I had a hot pink rug under the desk, tons of items on the shelves and stacks of papers everywhere. I realized that it was time I upgraded the space a little to be more efficient. It’s crazy what a new rug and small decor can do to a space.
My home office is upstairs in the house in this wide open space that when I moved in I really had no idea what to do with. Half of the space has these windows and the other side (not pictured) doesn’t have any windows. If I had kids, this space would have been great for a play area but for Jeremy and I, it needed to a functional space. I took one half and turned it into my office. Jeremy took the other half and made it into his man cave with a TV, couch and bar.
I had been eyeing this Pottery Barn desk for a number of years but didn’t have the space to put it prior to moving into this house. I loved the seadrift wood look of it as it was very classic and timeless. Unfortunately it is sold out but I will link a very similar option HERE.
Behind the desk, I styled two different Ikea shelves that I have had for many years. They used to be very cluttered and overwhelming so I pulled everything off them the other day and restyled them. Between the two shelves, I have been looking for a gorgeous cabinet to go there but still have yet to find one. I am being really picky on what I want there haha. For me when buying furniture, it’s one of those things that just happens. I see it and instantly I will know where it goes and how it will look. Sometimes it takes months/years to find but eventually it will all come together!

Next to the windows, I placed my clothing rack for inspiration. I love to fill this with new pieces that I get in. That way I know what needs to get shot and styled on the blog. The rack was really cheap from Ikea and I bought it as a place holder for now. I didn’t know what else to put in this corner so I put some hooks on the wall for my hats and placed the rack underneath it. Hopefully one day I will get a really beautiful chest or cabinet to go here.

Home Office Details:
Desk: Pottery Barn (Sold Out, Similar Option HERE) // Chair: Lowe’s // Monitor: Walmart // Shelving: IKEA // Chair Pillow: DIY (Similar Option HERE) // Shelving Decor: Homegoods // Painting: Homegoods // Clothing Rack: IKEA // Time Management Dice: Amazon // Rug: Overstock // Tray: Overstock // Phone Stand: Amazon

Hope you enjoyed getting to step inside my home office and that you were able to get some inspiration from it:) I wanted to hold off on this blog post as I didn’t think this space was done at all. But I have realized with decorating this home for over a year now, that you are never truly done haha. When I add things or update certain areas I will keep y’all updated. But for now this is my home office!!
Ok I LOVE your office. Definitely would be so productive in a space like this!
Dana | It’s Casual Blog
Thank you:) I had to rearrange it a couple times to get everything where I needed it to be so I could be productive!
Beautiful! How are all the monitor cords hidden? I love this layout, but I haven’t figured out what to do with all the cords on my desk!!
Your home office is so beautiful! Love that you have the full room for yourself and I must say my favourite piece is the painting, absolutely gorgeous!
The Career Edit | http://thecareeredit.co/