What Do I Actually Do?

Dress: Nordstrom Sale (Similar options HERE) // Purse: Nordstrom Sale // Heels: Marc Fisher

Happy Monday! I have seen a growing interest on Instagram to know what I actually do. I have mentioned a couple times on there what I do but thought I would answer some of my most asked questions! My blog isn’t my full time job and honestly I don’t think it ever will be. This blog is such a great way for me to connect with so many women just like me, work with brands I love and share my passion for a career but I love my career a lot!

I have a technical background with a bachelor’s in mathematics and a master of science in business analytics. My internships through college and my masters were with private telecommunication companies. It gave me a great opportunity to network and learn what I was passionate about!

After my master’s, I knew that a technology consulting job was for me! I was drawn to the idea of working with many companies from different industries and traveling all over the country. When I first started with the company, I had no idea what technology I wanted to be aligned too. There is anything from ERP systems, HR systems, security software, and much more. But I knew I had a passion for analytics, leading, and building systems.

Right when I started with my consulting company, I was aligned to their HR technology! I was a little nervous about going into HR as I had only really ever dealt ERP systems. But looking back it turned out to be one of the best things that could have happened! There is so much growth within the practice that I have had the opportunity to lead, problem solve, drive analytics and grow my career quickly.

So what does my day to day look like?

Currently, I am on a local project which means I am not traveling Monday through Thursday every week. As someone who was excited to travel, I was a little disappointed but it has turned out to be a blessing and this client isn’t forever (as a consultant you have about 6-9 months on a project then you move on to another client). My days consist of leading design meetings, attending discovery meetings, demoing the system, configuration, testing, running reports, and much more.

My days consist of a lot of meetings but for me the fun part is turning what the client wants into a system process. It definitely has its challenges and forces me outside my comfort zone a lot but overall I love this job. I don’t dread going to work at all. I have a full career path laid out in front of me and it’s really exciting to see where I could be one day!

Hope this blog post was helpful to getting a better inside look at my actual full time job! If you are looking for advice on consulting or want to know more please feel free to reach out. When I first came out of college, I had no idea what consulting was or that it was even a career path. I am more than happy to help others discover their passions:) What do you do for your full time job? Leave me a comment below!


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  1. 7.22.19
    Drew said:

    Thank you for sharing! I am a corporate recruiter for a bank right now. I previously recruiting for a technologies company with a focus on recruiting data analysts! Such a fascinating field. I always wished I had known about that field when I was getting my degree because I would have been so interested in it!

  2. 7.22.19
    Alexandra Forrest said:

    How cool! I work in HR Technology for a company in SC. I will be leading a project to consolidate and roll out a global payroll system and global time and attendance so I’ll definitely be doing some of the same things for the company I work at. I would love to know if you’ve got any advice for me! Working with several external vendors for implementation has been challenging so far. I love your blog and instagram. Keep up the great and inspiring work!

  3. 7.23.19
    Courtney said:

    I’m also a consultant! I work for the Navy here in D.C. and recently started doing more data analytics. Love it!

  4. 7.23.19
    Jasmine W. said:

    Your job sounds amazing! Currently I work as a Records Technician for a Police Department but I am going back to school for my dual masters in Business Administration and Public Administration.

    P.S.- I love all of your content, especially the work wear! Giving me inspiration when I get a job that doesn’t require a uniform.

  5. 7.23.19
    Dana Mannarino said:

    So interesting! I LOVE hearing what others do from 9-to-5!

    Dana | The Champagne Edit

  6. 1.13.20
    Emily said:

    Fellow consultant here! I own a PR and marketing consulting firm. Thanks for always giving us fresh ideas for work wear!

  7. 5.31.20
    Amy said:

    That is great! I am getting my masters in Applied Statistics and Analytics and had no idea that you were on a similar career path when clicking through your wardrobe ideas. Thanks for sharing!